Day 2: A cunning plan

Today's photo: Did my wok from HunterGatherer and then a little at the rainy beach

(might have skipped a day, oops!)

Devised contents for each post. Each element must list plan and action. (think, do, review)
1. Photo experiences
2. Stories (of)

3. Launch reminder

Photo Experiences (D.E.C.) what do people want?
Chatting with a peer from the West Country I discovered that there is not a lot of call for photography training from those that know how to use a camera as they mostly use online sources. However there is a demand for the basics; how to use a camera. Ideas that come from this and what I know from running previous workshops...
  1. Do basic courses in photography
    - How to use a camera
    - How to make a great photo (landscape top 10 etc)
  2. Do more inspirational experiences as a pose to courses
    - Amazing places/events etc
    - Don't make it all about photography but also about the travel elements too
  3. Run brand specific courses
Next steps for this.
- Come up with 3 solid workshop ideas (add to Trello)
- Consider "Spring/Summer" workshops
- Later: market the courses!

Stories (of)
What material do I already have?
- Go through all my content and write a list in Trello
- Plan 3 articles
- Write the articles based on the photos
- Edit those photos

Launch update:
When: 7th Feb 2020
Who: People close to me (x2, so far!)
- Stories: 3 at launch and at least one story per week with social media marketing snips
- Training: clearly defined and planned courses. Achievable and booked!

Watching "Life Off Grid" on Amazon Prime last night reminded me of what makes me happy and gave new purpose. Simplifying life to the bare essentials to truly enjoy it.
I also started my creative course with Ji Lee (Designer at Google).

Quote for the day: "I'd rather die of passion than of boredom" ~Vincent Van Goch


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